24 May 2008

New Flowers

Kelly, Graeme, Ian, and I all went to Home Depot to get some plants/flowers. We also bought dirt, which sort of irks me. Buying dirt, sort of like buying water, seems conspicuous. Anyway, our back patio is really starting to look tended to, which is good as we intend to spend more time out there. I guess buying dirt is OK.

We have also decided to let Madison, our cat, wander around outside within the confines of our patio. She seems content with the limit, but the squirrel fight challenged her obedience. She seemed unusually interested in the squirrel throwdown going on in the trees. Her twin brother Knox, who died last year, would have been less content. He always wanted to run away, but, paradoxically, never wanted to be too far away. I'll take some pictures, but don't hold your breath.

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