16 May 2008

Heath Spencer Asmar

I am visiting my sister in Pensacola Beach, Florida.  They have a beautiful home on the beach and they have an even more stunning new baby boy.  Heath is a little over 5 weeks old and he is still sorting out the whole eating and sleeping routine; something we adults slavishly follow.  You know, sleep when it's dark, eat when it's daylight.  Heather is managing well, but is pining to start running again.  Soon enough.  In fact, we may do short run tomorrow just for old times sake.
I think I have figured out the picture thing, here are a couple.


Mike Stavlund said...

Nice work, Heather! That is one cute boy.

Does Heather have a blog? I'd love to see how childbirth compares to Heartbreak Hill (she didn't seem too affected by HH!).

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike,
Well, when i am walking the floors cooing baby Heath at 3 am, i wonder, "how do other women do this and have more?" just like how they ask me "how do you run 26.2 miles?" I love motherhood, i had to have a c-section and just now running 3 miles every other day.I hope to do Boston in 2009. see you there with your little one?