12 June 2008

Well, who's counting anyway?

I have still been running and weighing in every morning. Exactly one week after day one, I was at 180, so I lost one pound in a week. That's actually pretty good considering I did not get in a long run last week and only logged 28 or so miles. This week was pretty grueling with the heat index up over 100 Monday and Tuesday. Each run, however, was better than the last. I capped off the workday runs today with a run of the bridges, roughly 7.3 miles, so I am already up to 24.1 miles for the week. The pace today was down around 7:30/mi, a little slow for a 7 miler, but I am still "heavy." I am hoping to get two runs in this weekend, so I sould be up into the low thirties for the week. Once I get back to long runs, I should be able to hit 40/week without too much additional effort.
What does this picture hve to do with anything? Well, about a month ago I said I would post a picture of my gardening project. So I am a little behind, what of it? I have actually done a little more since this picture, stay tuned.


Mike Stavlund said...

What's a bridges run, anyway. I've heard you speak of this, and I think I might be ready for one. How many bridges, and how do you connect them? (Feel free to treat this as a freestanding post-- I think the world needs to know how to compose and execute a proper bridges run.)

PS. That's a nice pace there, my man! I'm really jealous.

flippin said...

Hey Mike. We should meet up for a run sometime soon. Good way to work out anxieties. Oh, wait, I think you already knew that. We'll keep our shirts on....